Gramin Mahila Vikas Sansthan

Empowering Deprived and Vulnerable Communitities

Phone: +91-9672979032

Child Rights

childrightsGMVS is striving for the development of the children since its beginning. At the time of the organisation's establishment, the founders visited villages to identify children regularly attending schools. They found that very few children were regular in studies. On probing it was revealed that parents were unable to send their children to schools because they preferred to send their children to work to augment family income, which was decreasing continuously because of drought. During summers situation worsened as families migrated to safer places with their cattle and returned during favourable season. Working children keep the dreams of going to school in their eyes.

To wean away the children from labour, GMVS started special schools for child labour. Main objective of these schools is to strengthen the children with knowledge of education and to introduce them with their natural childhood. Awareness on their rights and age specific health precautions remain main concerns in these child labour schools. Nutrition and health check-ups are followed regularly for the children so that they can enjoy ailment free life. Each school enrols 100 children. These children are also given monetary support in the form of monthly stipend so that they can connect their future study in the regular schools.