Gramin Mahila Vikas Sansthan

Empowering Deprived and Vulnerable Communitities

Phone: +91-9672979032

Central Philosophy

centralphilosophyGMVS is committed to respecting and recognising the indigenous knowledge as well as supporting local initiatives of rural poor striving to improve their living standards with a special emphasis on women and children.

Majority of GMVS programmes, built on collective approach and process of continual learning and reflection, revolve around two broad areas of addressing the issues of

  • The right of every citizen to participate in the process of development
  • The right of every human being to live in peace and dignity

GMVS initiates sustainable process of empowerment through organising the marginalised communities, especially women, around their own major issues in the form of institutions and by helping them to build their capacities. It lays emphasis on assisting the village level community institutions/self help groups to find local solutions to the basic needs on the informed choices and on principles of equality and sustainability.

Through networks of women SHGs and NGOs working in the field of health and sanitation, education, environment, women empowerment, livelihood support and legal aid, GMVS is seeking to influence the policies of the Government to facilitate decentralisation and broader participation.
Greatest resource of GMVS is the community of women and men who have learned through their own experience that change is possible through the strength of collective effort and trust, and that it is possible to achieve from within without undue dependence on others.