Gramin Mahila Vikas Sansthan
Empowering Deprived and Vulnerable Communitities
Phone: +91-9672979032
Hopeful of Taking Tailoring Full Time
Twenty-nine year old Hagami Devi is wife of Shankar Singh and resides at Danta village of Ajmer district. Educated up to standard 3, Hagami Devi was married at the age of 14 years. While doing domestic chores like millions of rural women, she gave birth to three boys. With the motivation of her husband, who is a social worker, she became president of her village’s women group. Together both husband and wife worked hard and managed to impart good education to children in private school despite financial crunch.
When a Stitching Training Centre was started in the village with the financial assistance of The Hans Foundation and the Rural India Supporting Trust, Hagami Devi applied for training and got selected. She is learning stitching with passion and is always punctual. She has already learnt to stitch women and children garments. She hopes to be a proficient tailor by the end of the programme.
Hagami Devi plans to take tailoring as a full time vocation so she can help her family financially.