Gramin Mahila Vikas Sansthan

Empowering Deprived and Vulnerable Communitities

Phone: +91-9672979032

Dreams of a Bright Future

dreams of bright futureChanta Devi is a Gujjar woman residing at Khayda village in Bhinai tehsil of Ajmer district. Though she is very poor as her husband is a labourer, she has dreams of livelihood, empowerment, education, good food, health and clothes for her and her family. Above all she also has dreams of self-respect. She was particularly pained to see that she was not able to educate her children owing to poverty.

Once when she was visiting her parent’s home, she heard about self-help groups. Since she wanted to give good education to her children and improve her family economic condition, she immediately took up the idea and told to her family about it. Her husband told to her about Gramin Mahila Vikas Sansthan. She met with Ranjeet, GMVS field coordinator in Khayada village and formed Shri Ram SHG together with other women of the village.

WhenGoat Based Livelihood Promotion Programmebeganin her village with the support of The Hans Foundation, she was selected for the programme. At the end of the programme, she got goats. With the sales of goats’ milk she started earning Rs 250 per day. She has now stopped working as labour.

In future when availability of milk increases with her, she intends to make local milk produce like sweets, cottage cheese, etc. She is hopeful of a bright future for her and her family.