Gramin Mahila Vikas Sansthan

Empowering Deprived and Vulnerable Communitities

Phone: +91-9672979032

Wishing a Bright Future

Guranath, a Scheduled Tribe, son of Bannanath belongs to an extremely poor family. He belongs to Kalbelia caste. His father is landless and does not have a home. The family moves to other places for earning and is ready to undertake even the riskiest of works. The children in the family work for very low wages and in case of no work they also restore to begging. In these circumstances, even dreaming for studies was not less than a dream for Gauranath and his family.

But this dream is being realised through Special Child Labour School being run by the organisation under Ajmer Child Labour Project. With the successful efforts of the organisation's workers, Gauranath has been freed from the mine owner and is being educated at the school. Initially, Gauranath found the school like a jail as he was always on the move. Understanding this problem the teachers started teaching him through games and entertainment. Never observing cleanliness and taking bath seldom, Gauranath now takes bath regularly and with his labour and dedication has reached class 4.

This may be a small thing for us, but for Gauranath, it is not less than a big achievement. He is now happy. He now wants to study further and become a teacher.