Gramin Mahila Vikas Sansthan
Empowering Deprived and Vulnerable Communitities
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Dreaming to Become Doctor
Rinku, aged 13 years, is daughter of Suva Singh, a resident of Muhami village in Ajmer district. When she was just nine years, she started helping her father in mining related work. Soon heat of sun wilted her beautiful face. After back breaking day-long labour when she came back to her home, she had to extend help in household chores too. Seeing her gave the impression that God had only asked to do work. She had no relation with studies or games.
But a ray of hope came in the shape of Child Labour Project. She was among several other children spotted working in mines. The project workers freed her from mining work and got admitted to the Special Child Labour School in her village. Rinku used this opportunity to the fullest. With great dedication, she completed five classes in three years as designed.
At the time of writing this case study she was studying in class nine at Government Inter College, Bubani, after passing class eight with good marks. She intends to become a doctor and for fulfilling her dream she is always studying.