Gramin Mahila Vikas Sansthan

Empowering Deprived and Vulnerable Communitities

Phone: +91-9672979032

Buffalo Strengthens Economy

Nathi Devi is a resident of Sarana village in Shri Nagar Panchayat Samiti of Ajmer district. The village is 8 km away in west direction from the Kishangarh National Highway. The main occupation of the villagers is agriculture and animal husbandry. Mathi Devi was abandoned by her husband and she resides in her parental along with her two daughters. In the absence of any able bodied man in the family, it was a gigantic task before Nathi Devi to take care of the family and education of the girls.

For empowerment of the women in the village, the organisation's workers motivated the women to form their self help group. Nathi Devi also became member of this group. Each woman started regular saving and account of the group was opened in the bank. Apart from routine savings and credit activities, the group meetings started discussing stereotypes prevailing in the society and how to get rid of them.

Nathi Devi took Rs 10,000 loan from the group and arranged Rs 5,000 from a close relative. She purchased a good breed buffalo, yielding 10 litres milk every day. Nathi Devi kept 2 litres milk for the family consumption and sold the rest at the rate of Rs 11 per litre. After deducting all the expenses Nathi Devi started having a net income of Rs 1,200 per month. The very next year she purchased another buffalo and repaid the loan also.
Thus, financial condition of Mrs Nathi Devi has become strong as she got a regular source of income. For all this, she is thankful to the organisation and the bank.