Gramin Mahila Vikas Sansthan

Empowering Deprived and Vulnerable Communitities

Phone: +91-9672979032

Water Conservation and Management Project at Danta Village

water conservationDanta village in Gegal gram panchayat of Ajmer district was facing worst water crisis for several years as wells, hand pumps, ponds, etc., all dried up owing to coming up of an industrial belt near the village.  As the people shelled out any amount between Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 for a tanker of water, the community members mounted pressure on the organisation to resolve their water problem. This led to formulation and implementation of this project.


  • To make potable water available in the village
  • To decrease expenses of villagers on water
  • To reduce pressure of work on women so they save time for other important works
  • To idetifiy water sources, manage them and use them with cooperation of villagers
  • To create awareness among villagers for health and reduce water-borne diseases
  • To create general awareness and animal husbandry
  • To organise villagers by organising village committees


  • Borewell digging
  • Laying of pipeline in entire village
  • Water tank construction
  • Tap connection
  • Formation of Water Management Committee

After one year, the project will be managed by community


Villagers get sufficient water on time easily. Not only humans, but cattle also get sufficient water.


The Hans Foundation, New Delhi, and Rural India Supporting Trust, US


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