Gramin Mahila Vikas Sansthan
Empowering Deprived and Vulnerable Communitities
Phone: +91-9672979032
Addressing Poverty among Rural Women through Technical Vocational Training (Tailoring Training Centre)
Started in October 2012, this project seeks to make members of self-help groups self-reliant and link them with self-employment by imparting them vocational training. Under the project tailoring centres are being run in project villages with each centre catering to 10 women. The course is of six months duration.
- To make women self-reliant by increasing their income
- To make women proficient in tailoring
- To bring about women empowerment through self help groups
- To bring about change in social status by empowering women
- To carry out demonstrations on traditional skills, handicraft and agriculture
- To organise vocational training through capacity building and income generation
- To inculcate interest of women in income generation activities
- To popularise income generation activities among rural communities so as to end poverty and unemployment
- To select aware and interested women from the group members
- To select timing suitable for women
- To impart training
- To carry out inspection from time to time
- To give necessary directions
- Ideitification of income generation sources at local level
- Facilitation of better learning
- Increase in income of women so their situation may improve
- Increase in self-reliance
- Decrease in poverty and unemployment
- Availability of permanent employment at the local level
The Hans Foundation, New Delhi, and Rural India Supporting Trust, US