Gramin Mahila Vikas Sansthan

Empowering Deprived and Vulnerable Communitities

Phone: +91-9672979032

Raahi Truckers Eye Health Programme

rahi 1With the financial support of Sightsavers and Rayban we are implementing Raahi Drishti Kendra in Lamana village of Ajmer district in which eyes of truck drivers and cleaners are scrutinizing and by us. After checking their eyes spectacles are also distributed to drivers if they have problems in seeing. This project is started from June, 2018 and will be for three years. We have target of checking 14356 truck drivers and 5312 no. of spectacles for distribution. In this program we are checking patients at vision centre and at camp which is organized by us at different hotels.

rahi 2Project Objectives

  1. More inclusive, accessible and sustainable eye health services.
  2. Reducing accidents which are because of eyes problems to truck drivers.
  3. Making people empowered so that they can claim their right to safe, effective and affordable health care services.