Gramin Mahila Vikas Sansthan

Empowering Deprived and Vulnerable Communitities

Phone: +91-9672979032

Water Conservation Planning Programme

water conservation planning projectThe project was undertaken with financial support from The Hans Foundation, New Delhi, in two villages Nimbukia and Tidhana of Narwar Gram Panchayat of Sri Nagar Panchayat Samiti of Ajmer district. GMVS is active in these villages for the last 15 years through a number of interventions through formation of women groups, joint liability group and farmers club. The residents of these villages are facing sever drinking water problem for the last 6-7 year. People either fetch water from 4-5 km away, or purchase a tanker of water for Rs 350-400. There is less availability of wage labour in both the villages and people mostly go to Ajmer to work as labourer. Seeing the problem of the people, the organisation initiated water conservation project with the support of The Hans Foundation.


  • To make available drinking water to people
  • To save money and time being spent on water
  • To improve health and safety of women
  • To improve health
  • To promote animal husbandry
  • To discuss and resolve other problems by the committee

Project Activities

  • Dig borewell after selecting public place
  • Construction of water tank
  • Owning maintenance by committee
  • Cooperation with the Sansthan by the committee in entire work
  • Maintain cleanliness around taps in the village
  • Utilisation of water by village residents as per need


Like earlier years, GMVS formed a committee to conduct water conservation management project in these two villages. This committee was given total responsibility to run the project so it continues to work actively. In both the villages, the sansthan successfully implemented water conservation project.


Residents and cattle of both the villages now have drinkign water easily and timely in the village itself. The villagers are now spending money, which would have been spent on water, on heatlh and education. The villagers are grateful to The Hans Foundation and Sansthan and are ready to take ownership of the project to continously run it.


The Hans Foundation