Gramin Mahila Vikas Sansthan
Empowering Deprived and Vulnerable Communitities
Phone: +91-9672979032
Promotion of SHG Federation and Consolidation of Microfinance Programme
The SHG Federation consolidates microfinance programme. The federation has been named Gramin Mahila Jagriti Samiti and is registered under the Rajasthan Societies Registration Act. The federation has as members 202 women self-help groups from 29 villages in 15 gram panchayats of Srinagar and Silora panchayat samitis of Ajmer district.
Two women members from each group are elected unanimously and women members from 10-15 groups form a cluster. All the clusters together form federation.
- To cooperate in formation of a district level forum for creating public awareness on different issues related to women
- To demonstrate an ideal model of women groups
- To increase participation of women in government and panchayati raj programmes
- To increase access of women to personal and collective resources
- To build capacity of women for development and management of natural resources for bettering livelihood
- To ensure participation of women in social work
- To develop self-confidence among women through forum for making them self-reliant
- To increase income of women through better alternatives of livelihood like animal husbandry, agriculture, etc.
- To create awareness among women about their rights
- To make efforts to work for economic and social empowerment of women, education, rights, health and laws of women
- Improved agriculture
- Vocational training
- Educational tours
- Cluster meetings
- Federation general body meeting
- Holding of International Women’s Day
- Livelihood study in the operational area of the federation
- Tailoring training to 30 women associated with the federation for six months
- Work on improved agriculture and rabi and kharif crop in four villages
- Holding of training for self-employment of members associated with federation
- Holding of loan fair in association with banks
- Holding of women’s fairs for women associated with groups
- Training of various kinds for capacity building of women members
- Holding of cattle health camps
- Educational tours for capacity building of federation members and understanding
- Self-evaluation of federation women and audit process
- Cooperation and association of federation in social activities
- Developing understanding of members regarding insurance
Sir Ratan Tata Trust (SRTT), Mumbai, and Centre for Microfiannce, Jaipur