Gramin Mahila Vikas Sansthan

Empowering Deprived and Vulnerable Communitities

Phone: +91-9672979032

Evaluation Team Visit

evaluation team visitA team from the Rural India Supporting Trust, US, and the Hans Foundation, New Delhi, visited the project villages to know first hand changes in the lives of project stakeholders. During the two day visit the team members physically verified activities implemented as a part of the project.

With funds from the two donors, Gramin Mahila Vikas Sansthan is providing medical services in 12 villages of Srinagar Panchayat Samiti, implementing water management project in two villages, promoting goat based livelihood in Bhinay village and providing technical training to women in rural areas.

The visitors included Director of Rural India Supporting Trust, US, Paul Gilik and Deputy Director of the Hans Foundation, New Delhi, Prabhakar. From the GMVS sde, the president Anil Kumar Mathur, secretary Shankar Singh Rawat, treasuer Shambhu Singh, Tejaram Meghvanshi, mobile medical services coordinator Kiranjit Kaur gave presentations of the work done.

Visit in Media

अमेरिकी दल ने किया निरीक्षण
दैनिक भास्कर, 21 जून 2015

एनजीओ दल ने किया मूल्यांकन
दैनिक नवज्योति, 22 जून 2015