Gramin Mahila Vikas Sansthan

Empowering Deprived and Vulnerable Communitities

Phone: +91-9672979032

Mother Teresa Global Award

mother teresa global awardGramin Mahila Vikas Sansthan Secretary Shankar Singh Rawat received Mother Teresa Global Award and Gold Medal by Friendship Forum in Economic Growth and National Unity Seminar on May 14, 2017, in New Delhi. The chief guest Chaudhary Randeer Singh, Former Governor of Sikkim, honoured Rawat with award, certificate and gold medal.

This award received by Rawat for extra-ordinary achievements in 2016-17 and for special or marvellous work in areas of health, education, women empowerment, natural resource management and livelihood support.

The award will play the important role in encouraging us for overall rural development. Its credit goes to the various agencies like The Hans Foundation (New Delhi), Sir Ratan Tata Trust (Mumbai), Nabard, Centre for Micro Finance (Jaipur), Rajasthan State AIDS Control Society (Jaipur), etc. These organisations supported GMVS in its rural development projects.

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In Media

ग्रामीण महिला विकास संस्थान का दिल्ली में सम्मान
दैनिक नवज्योति, 19 मई 2017

रावत गोल्ड मेडल से सम्मानित
दैनिक भास्कर, 18 मई 2017